
This module provides an abstract base class for a callback and a default implementation.

If you want to store the data in a way that is different from the functionality provided by the default callback, you can write your own extension of callback. For example, you can easily implement a callback that stores the data in e.g. a NoSQL file.

The only method to implement is the __call__ magic method. To use logging of progress, always call super.

class ema_workbench.em_framework.callbacks.AbstractCallback(uncertainties, levers, outcomes, nr_experiments, reporting_interval=None, reporting_frequency=10, log_progress=False)

Abstract base class from which different call back classes can be derived. Callback is responsible for storing the results of the runs.

  • uncertainties (list) – list of uncertain parameters

  • levers (list) – list of lever parameters

  • outcomes (list) – a list of outcomes

  • nr_experiments (int) – the total number of experiments to be executed

  • reporting_interval (int, optional) – the interval between progress logs

  • reporting_frequency (int, optional) – the total number of progress logs

  • log_progress (bool, optional) – if true, progress is logged, if false, use tqdm progress bar.


a counter that keeps track of how many experiments have been saved








combined list of uncertain parameters and lever parameters




the interval between progress logs



abstract get_results()

method for retrieving the results. Called after all experiments have been completed. Any extension of AbstractCallback needs to implement this method.

class ema_workbench.em_framework.callbacks.DefaultCallback(uncertainties, levers, outcomes, nr_experiments, reporting_interval=100, reporting_frequency=10, log_progress=False)

Default callback class

  • uncertainties (list) – list of uncertain parameters

  • levers (list) – list of lever parameters

  • outcomes (list) – a list of outcomes

  • nr_experiments (int) – the total number of experiments to be executed

  • reporting_interval (int, optional) – the interval between progress logs

  • reporting_frequency (int, optional) – the total number of progress logs

  • log_progress (bool, optional) – if true, progress is logged, if false, use tqdm progress bar.

Callback can be used in perform_experiments as a means for specifying the way in which the results should be handled. If no callback is specified, this default implementation is used. This one can be overwritten or replaced with a callback of your own design. For example if you prefer to store the result in a database or write them to a text file.


method for retrieving the results. Called after all experiments have been completed. Any extension of AbstractCallback needs to implement this method.

class ema_workbench.em_framework.callbacks.FileBasedCallback(uncertainties, levers, outcomes, nr_experiments, reporting_interval=100, reporting_frequency=10)

Callback that stores data in csv files while running th model

  • uncertainties (list) – list of uncertain parameters

  • levers (list) – list of lever parameters

  • outcomes (list) – a list of outcomes

  • nr_experiments (int) – the total number of experiments to be executed

  • reporting_interval (int, optional) – the interval between progress logs

  • reporting_frequency (int, optional) – the total number of progress logs

  • log_progress (bool, optional) – if true, progress is logged, if false, use tqdm progress bar.


This class is still in beta. the data is stored in ./temp, relative to the current working directory. If this directory already exists, it will be overwritten.


method for retrieving the results. Called after all experiments have been completed. Any extension of AbstractCallback needs to implement this method.