Installing the workbenchΒΆ

The 2.x version of the workbench requires Python 3.8 or higher.

A stable version of the workbench can be installed via pip.

pip install ema_workbench

The latest commit on the master branch can be installed with:

pip install -e git+ #egg=ema-workbench

Or any other (development) branch on this repo or your own fork:

pip install -e git+ #egg=ema-workbench

The code is also available from github. The code comes with a requirements.txt file that indicates the key dependencies. Basically, if you have a standard scientific computing distribution for Python such as the Anaconda distribution, most of the dependencies will already be met.

In addition to the libraries available in the default Anaconda distribution, there are various optional dependencies. Please follow the installation instructions for each of these libraries.

From conda or conda-forge:

  • altair for interactive visualizations

  • ipyparallel for support of interactive multiprocessing within the jupyter notebook.

    conda install altair ipyparallel

There are also some pip based dependencies:

  • SALib , this is a necessary dependency for advanced senstivity analysis.

  • platypus-opt , this is an optional dependency for many-objective optimization functionality.

  • pydot and Graphviz for some of the visualizations.

    pip install SALib platypus-opt pydot

The various connectors have their own specific requirements.

  • Vensim only works on Windows. If you have 64 bit vensim, you need 64 bit Python. If you have 32 bit vensim, you will need 32 bit Python.

  • Excel also only works on Windows.

  • jpype-1 and pynetlogo for NetLogo

  • pysd optional for simple vensim models

  • pythonnet for Simio

conda install jpype1
pip install pynetlogo pysd pythonnet